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Hypnotherapy & Greater Weight Loss

Sandra Hoffmann

Updated: Aug 25, 2023

Hypnotherapy is a treatment that uses hypnosis to help modify behaviour, perceptions, and emotions and in this article we look at how it is related to weight loss.

Hypnotherapy is a tool we at Reduce Stress Now (RSN) utilise to help individuals reach a state of total relaxation and during a session, it is said that the conscious and unconscious mind are able to focus and concentrate on verbal repetition and mental imagery better.

The mind here, as a result, we aim becomes open to positive suggestion and open to greater change with regard to many areas including, behaviors, emotions, and habits relating to weight loss and image and a many things.

When treating weight loss or obesity we never look at in isolation and always take a detailed evaluation of the person’s lifestyle, habits, attitude and reasons for wanting to lose the weight.

Forms of hypnotherapy have been used since the 1700s to help people with anything from bed-wetting to nail-biting to smoking.

There is hypnosis and self hypnosis and according to a report on the national library of medicine they write;

Other research on hypnosis has also shown some promise for treating obesity.

Hypnosis it is claimed may be more effective than diet and exercise alone for people looking to lose weight and the idea is that the mind can be influenced to change habits like overeating.

However, exactly how effective it may be is still up for debate but it has been utilised for centuries now.

You can also use hypnotherapy to reinforce healthy attitudes, correct cultural and personal beliefs that you believe are holding you back, and reduce your desire for foods you want to limit or eliminate from your diet.

Hypnotherapy can be used alone or with other methods like dietary advice, stress reduction, or cognitive behavioural therapy, I like to utilise NLP (neuro linguistic patterning)

I’ve found that hypnotherapy can help you eat healthier foods, increase your self-confidence, and overcome any barriers that prevent you from achieving your weight goals.

Over the years I have found that when a person is committed to an overall program that they are more inclined to follow through on performing the tasks and activities in order to become healthier and lose weight.

A program can be anything from creating greater habits or a routine and utilise other external weight loss professionals such as a personal trainer, fitness gym or medicinal practitioner.

We highly recommend doing hypnotherapy as part of a program and suggest a number of sessions to help obtain results here.



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