What is Olloominating
About Olloominating
Breathing, moving, sensing, creatively doing and being re-vitalising and practicing FO can help transform us as our breath can affect our heart beat, brain frequencies and bodies, as we are affected by the earth’s, sun’s and atmospheric current as we live and breathe, so too we can create greater calm in our lives in different ways.
Learn The Patterns of Olloominating
Personal carbon & breathing footprint
Visual connection within your environment
Visual connection within your information systems
Personal internal visual acuities
Knowing your sensory audio sensitivities
Sensory connections with nature
Sensory connections within your environment
Carbon footprint understandings
Neurological framework
Peripherals and internals
Systems regulations
Systems agitations, reactions, responses
Non-rhythmic sensory stimuli
Thermal and cooling variability
Presence of water, liquids and saturation
Dynamic and diffuse light and sources
Connections with natural systems
Prospects and ideas
Refuge and release
Mysteries and conspiracies
Risks and perils awareness
Biomorphic forms
Biomorphic patterns
Material connections with nature
Complexities and order
Ongoing holistic, future causations, awareness & predictions
Environmental Needs & Climate Change - Specific Goals Of Facilitating Olloominating For Humans, ESG& Life On This Planet
Work with government, council, medicinal, safety, legal and all health and wellness bodies to encourage the following;
Create health promotion initiatives on the television, radio, community and make breathing (FO) as a national way of being and interacting
Create a new way and ‘OZ way’ of meeting and greeting to incorporate taking a breath together.
Amend the OHS Act to include the necessity for learning and participating in breathing programs (FO) at work
Promote greater breathing initiatives (FO) in all workplaces and create legislation, policies and procedures to enforce these practices and time allocated for them or involve penalties
Enforce that all mental health and disability workers and advocates learn about specific breathing (FO) and have specific breathing breaks (FO) during work time
Amend to all Workplace Agreements that they must include that all workers have access to specific better breathing training (FO) in the workplace
Include in all Workplace Agreements that better breathing (FO) breaks are mandatory during worktime regardless of the employee’s workplace location i.e. office, warehouse, at home, vehicles, trucks or when in transit.
Allow all Energy Resource workers to be taught FO and given access and time to practice it
Enforce that all patients entering all health and wellness practices including general practitioners and hospitals be given access to information to maintain greater breathing (FO)
Know Your Body Better ~ Extend To Be Your Best
Facilitating Olloominating is about knowing your vibrational body to give you greater opportunities to know your breathing ultimately understanding your body better. Taking a greater imperative approach to better support your breathing, cells and organs to try to counter-act the possibilities of having a condition, illnesses, or neurological problem or detecting issues sooner.
Your neurological breathing with Reduce Stress Now involves greater awareness of your body from the beating of your heart, to your different bodily functional systems, to your cells and connecting deeper and more profoundly to the frequencies internally and externally in your environment, home, workplace, or whilst travelling to know how to help your senses to create healthier patterns for body, mind and emotions.
As all energy resources extract material from the ground or the atmosphere, each human extracts something from their surroundings such as air and Facilitating Olloominating helps people to better modulateto utilise less energy to maintain your body and personal wellness which contributes to greater understanding of your carbon footprint, and less impact on the environment in general.
Reduce Stress Now helps to coach people in Olloominisim and facilitating Facilitation O a scientific and organic process that modern life now understands and needs to care for to pause, or even prayer, whilst breathing or discussing to cultivate curiosity, deeper awareness and acceptance and less denial, fear and hate to better sustain our vitality, joy and environment, personally and collectively now and forever.
Eco Systems
What is Human Environmental Capital (HEC)?
The old phrase called ‘Human Capital’ was a throw-back phrase devised from the merger of modern and industrial revolutionsand more than over 200-years-old to describe workers but the new term Human Environmental Capital (HEC) better describeshow people are referred in the world including the labour force across every single area where humans are considered and as energy.
Our past lack of respect for ourselves as humans and the environment forced and keeps forcing us to think differently about how we can incorporate better breathing and wellness and Facilitating Olloominating into our lives to allow us to think organically, technically and medicinally to best transform how we live, work, enjoy, behave and breathe and embrace all elements.

In its rawest form Human Capital described a human worker, slave, or anyone from embittered on the lowest wages to the rich or landowner but did not embrace the environmental factors and approached humans as basically a financial source with no respect to nature or the planet.
The new phrase Human Environmental Capital takes into account that we are as humans are not separate from environmental aspects as we breathe and therefore are connected and a part of the enormous energising fields of energy and ‘capital’ resources around us and through us.
HEC comes is a ‘layman term’ mixed with Universities and Governments realisation that humans do not have to merge human breathing and environment elements into economics and blockchains and that humans are notmachines.
Human as in Human Environmental Capital are a part of the atmosphere and air and are connected wholeheartedly through the oxygen we breathe, neurological networks and electromagnetics and that electricity will come to affect us and some magnetising forces are maiming,making us breathe too quickly and making us unwell, causing pain or killing us too quickly.
Medicinal, construction, telecommunicationsand economic frameworks transform HEC constantly to meet new challenges and Reduce Stress Now promotes Facilitating Olloominating (FO) to help industries, employers, governments, families’, communities and individuals by supporting greater HEC disciplines to neurologically breathe to live, work, play and create greater lifestyles and to merge the massive disparities of greed and poverty to live life better.
HEC and FO stand for creating a greater understanding of all ecosystems, bio-systems, biodiversity and modern tech as understanding biosecurity and biophilic system help us all to learn how to better encourage the body and our lives to seek to breathing and create greater wellness, behaviours and environments to improve how we think, move, eat, drink and enjoy our lifestyles healthier.

What is CREATE?
CREATE stands for ‘Cuisine Respects Ecological & Artistic Travel Environments’ where you, nations, communities, families, individual’s, companies’ and businesses can come together and meet, to travel, albeit next door, or to another city, state or overseas and communicate in ways that share through food, artistic endeavours and breathing in environments that create greater wellness and ‘real relationships based on more mutual respect’.
Exploring and communicating is essential to relationships and life and RSN unites people through CREATE which in essence is ‘breaking bread’bringing back the essence of sharing or making meals together,as Cuisine Respects Ecological & Artistic Travel Environments is all about wellness and underpinned by Facilitaitng Olloominating by breathing better together.
Sharing a meal is about sharing the food, the company and the breath and can have major behavioural benefits for the stability for humankind and CREATE can be experienced by sharing with a neighbour, community, travelling interstate, overseas or via zoom or video link.
Essentially, all is possible when we CREATE and FOand build upon best practices and respect as the world suffers from energy, food and clean water shortages, we seek to protect this through more harmony, human contact, the environment, the planet, and to reduce carbon, address climate change and gain a deeper understanding of cultural differences and appreciation through eating, breathing and interacting, especially post pandemic to avoid another and more pandemics.
Why is ESG, Environmental, Social and Governance So Important?
ESG in its rawest legislative form stands for Environmental, Social and Governancemeaning to create what becomes legislation, regulations and polices that the public must to follow. It includes for all companies’ and businesses and everyone to come together with a commitment for greaterenvironmental and social sustainable operations and activities.
ESG is imperative to all essential health, environmental and social policies, practices and legislations and must change faster in order for us to be able to continue breathing well as governments, councils, legislators, policy, procedures and regulations creators are of greatest importance to all of our futures to save humans, life and this planet.

Reduce Stress Now advocates and educates in these areas as breathing better helps to create greater calm, re-vitalisation and works towards improving all aspects of life including practising Facilitating Olloominating and encouraging Cuisine Respects Ecological & Artistic Travel Environmentsand Multi-Purposeful Productive Manufacturing (MPPM).
In practice ESG involvesthings including adhering to protecting our energy resources, all employee safety practices, finding ways to maximize energy efficiency, and ensuring diversity amongst all employees and stakeholders and this is where Facilitating Olloominating shines as it underpins human vitality efficiency of breathing and best practices
ESG is used to evaluate non-financial and financial aspects of all things related to anything that can impact the integrity and financial performanceand strategy of a business, entity or corporation and how they demonstrate how they care about how they impact the environment world and people involved which is what Reduce Stress Now and FO stand for mitigating and helping to transform.
The environmental aspects of and ESG strategy focuses on how a business, company, corporation or entity uses any of their resources which becomes their carbon footprint and each employee and stakeholder’s footprint can be measured to how it affects the environment where the sustainability is how they will sustain the strategy and the governance is how and what will ensure that it is all being followed through and adhered to.
In this context it is extremely important that governments, councils, businesses and corporation and all individuals and bodies advocate for greater healthier homes, water resources, waste disposal as everyone values variety and choice but environmental and social issues take precedence as RSN assist with how everyone can merge ESG systems and practices.
The social area of ESG focuses on employees and local communities and all stakeholders increasingly expects organizations to consider and take greater action to mitigate the impact of social matters on their business models and operations across all chains and bodies as FO helps to support streams of thinking, acting and interactions it will become increasingly more important.
Value chains, infrastructure, and all regulators and governments across the globe are stringently looking at how to better integrate all social matters into policymaking and disclosure rules including human rights, health and safety, employee engagement and satisfaction, diversity, equity, and inclusion of which Reduce Stress Now and FO come into play.
The objectives of ESG are clear but the pace at which the world is transforming to meet the demands of keeping the environment clean are difficult and in this, ‘spaces to slow down the industrialisation races’ RSN and FO come to help translate and enhance workplaces and support the raw essence of humanity and OHSEE (Occupational Health, Safety, Environment and Energy)
How FO Helps A Circular Economy Sustainable Systems (CESS)
CESS stands for Circular Economy and Sustainable Systems where the main principles are to create more ongoing transformational healthier economies worldwide, which means to try to help people to have better ways of living and become more environmentally friendly by reducing or eliminating waste, toxicity and pollution and bringing OHSEE, Occupational Health, Safety, Environment and Energy to the forefront.
Facilitating Olloominating relies on the awareness of the breath as it underpins all human activities and economies as with every production and manufacturing automation has positives and negatives only greater breathing, regeneration of nature and biodiversity of CESS and systems and bringing humans, automation, AI (augmented and artificial intelligence) and transportation together healthier to better support the body and enhance CESS results.
Here, Reduce Stress Now and Facilitating Olloominating (FO) in its core supports healthiest frameworks and models of breathing as CESS creates models of production and consumption strategies which involve sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products FO aims to assist with breathing to extend our human life and livelihood to enjoy life healthier.
In the same breath CESS aims for greater communication across the entire spectrum of participants to minimize waste, emissions and consumption of raw materials and ‘opensup’ new and improved markets viewed as a means of combating global warming for ‘real growth’ so too Reduce Stress Now with FO helps people to minimise over exertion in breathing strategicallyworking in parallel to support all Human Environmental Capital (HEC) and support healthiest Multi-Purposeful Productive Manufacturing (MPPM) for greater operational efficiency.
The same analogy can be used for FO as it applies to how the human body has internal systems which all need to work together and breathing is the facilitator for the entire body, as how we breathe revitalises our bodily systems, repairs our body and recycles our oxygen intakecreating all aspects of thinking, digestion, metabolic rate, and everything within our bodies.
CESS tackles global challenges as climate change, biodiversity loss, waste and pollution by emphasizing the design-based implementation of the three base principles of the model so too Reduce Stress Now helps to reduce issues relating to body waste, toxicity and aiming to reduce unnecessary anxiety, stress and worry.
From a perspective of breathing, Reduce Stress Now seeks multiple ways of helping to facilitate greater breathing and utilise FO to underpin this model for the human body to consume only the necessary oxygen and air input and output maximises health and wellness.
In today’s society we cannot afford to not think about how we are constantly negatively impacting the environment, climate change, biodiversity, or our social responsibilities as waste and pollution is imperative to resolve and must insist that our government takes greater action now to combat unnecessary production and consumption at a roots level.
Human Enviro Capital (HEC) &Multi-Purposeful Productive Manufacturing (MPPM)
Reduce Stress Now supports greater sustainable actions and neurological support where Human Enviro Capital (HEC) is involved with healthier productions and Multi-Purposeful Productive Manufacturing (MPPM) as the world aims to reduce toxicity and waste, smarter more purposeful, productive, sustainable, re-usable and multi-purposeful manufacturing is essential.
Here Reduce Stress Now acts as an advocate of information and source knowledge, for companies and people to go beyond what has been called Colonialism mentality to create trans-global, trans-Atlantic and multi-levelled healthier approaches across all nations and communities where ‘Everyone’s Life Matters’ movement exists and FO underpins for people to work more efficiently and happier.
Merging AI, technology and all scientific and holistic approaches with best practices is essential to combat helping the body to cope with mis-use of increasing algorithms and unhealthy blockchain backlashes as we all seek greater more reliable information that is more aligned with Environmental Sustainable Governance (ESG) is the goal of Reduce Stress Now and Facilitating Olloominating.
As the world increases automation and computerisation, we need to simultaneously commit to keeping our bodies healthy and only manufacturer essential goods aligned with certain criteria that helps us to breathe better and therapeutic goods that ultimately support healthier bodies and seek less waste and more CESS economies which RSN and FO encourages.
Healthy respect and communication go hand in hand with HEC and merging with Cuisine Relays Ecological & Artistic Travel (CREATE) to support greater creativity that can be discussed to understand the real needs of people from a roots level and influence manufacturing and production MPPM better for more streamlined and greater mutually beneficial economic and collective stability for humankind globally.
RSN, Human Capital, MPPM and FO are all about educating people about the value of practising and making healthier decision from 2030-3030 and following the United Nations 17 principles for greater more far-reaching ingenuity as Human Enviro Capital (HEC) merges to alleviate environmental and health issues creating more real supportive structures that encourage relationships for mutual loyalties moving into the modern future.