What Is Olluminism - Medicinal Vitality?
For OHSSE & Business
We have a 87% success rate with reducing anxiety and assisting with Occupational health, safety, security and environment concerns.
Business is changing so quickly and employees transitioning to working from home seem to be losing touch with serious matters that concern maintaining wellness, safety, motivation and health.
We have seen a 39% rise in insurance claims and stress complaints and neurological problems are rising so rampantly.
Parkinsons, ALS and dementia are all neurological problems that require more attention, and mindfulness and olluminating are ways to greatly help reduce stress and create more calm for the neurological system.
RSN offer a variety of means to be able to help staff quickly access online programs and techniques simply
Breathing, Climate Change & Covid
As your breathing, body and neurological frequencies are continuously intertwining as you move, we all need to understand how to create greater calm in more hectic environments to reduce the possibilities of creating even more neurological problems.
It is often said that safety comes first, but breathing is imperative to life itself, and vitality and wellbeing requires practices, and Olluminating is simple to learn and extremely effective.
Olluminating promotes ways aimed to help support greater mind,body, environmental balance to exercise and move where chemical, emotional and vibrational coherence is imperative.
Rapid changes in government and industry standards requires faster responses but easier approaches that will help ourselves and staff to keep feeling motivated, maintain vitality, handle stress and PTSD better, and understand how to better detect and perhaps counter-act the effects of often unseen and undetected toxicity, frequencies and addictions.
Now in modern times, we all need to be able to cope daily and understand if and when subtle environmental changes are affecting us, and not wait to see how or what will happen to our body after years of accumulation of toxicity or after the effects of today take shape in the future. Asbestos concerns caused monumental pain before it was accepted as toxic.
Mercury is considered to be a toxic element. Some dentists today refuse to use mercury fillings, and some countries have banned them altogether.
Understanding our own bodies’ is essential, and help the next generation respond not only in their immediate environment, but to better cope with drones, satellites and security merging and how it will affect how we feel and sense and our wellbeing.
OHSEE Psychometric tools, assessments and testing are essential and devising new tools and processes that support personal, company, environmental and life and wellness is now imperative.

Olluminating is also understanding our own bodies’, and is essential to help the next generation respond not only in their immediate environment, but to better cope with drones, satellites and security merging and how it will affect how we feel and sense and our wellbeing.
Chemical & Vibrational Changes
Changes from January 2021 to chemicals worldwide means that the workplace and home has more increasing complexities of an unseen nature, and more climate changes, personal, company and government responsibilities.
Unseen elements in the air, frequencies of an unknown nature, and virus’ mutating requires new approaches, new measuring and new approaches and creative medicinal practices now, and moving through to tomorrow. We are now living in an exposed biological warfare world and need to manage different fears, work, relationships’ with realities.
Now Olluminism provides imperative learning to better identify physical, neurological and vibrational movement and fluctuations occurring internally and externally faster, which are more than likely a sign of early brain/body changes, aging or deprivation possibly causing degradation or even illness.
With the continuous rise and rise of dementia, Parkinson’s and other painful neurological complaints such as MS, and now Covid, it is imperative that OHSSE enhance its breadth and reach to incorporate new understandings and awareness for the body to cope with the influx of impending new toxic environmental problems and virus’.
Olluminism practises can be easily learnt and applied throughout the day whilst talking, at the computer, driving, working, and in most environments and is similar to mindfulness in motion to keep people more alert, aware and less fearful.
Practising & Learning Management Systems (LMS) OHSE Mental Health Audits & Training
Reduce Stress Now offers and promotes specific researched and instinctive approaches to help with mental health, using vibrational and medicinal sciences and instinctiveness as the basis to support and assist people and staff to better understand their body and neurological systems.
Now aimed at reducing staff stress, accidents and absenteeism, helping staff by incorporating these practices and principles into your Learning Management Systems, inductions and values to support even greater mental health initiatives, safety and wellness to help encourage more mindful movement and thinking rather than reactivity.
Simple specific breathing, awareness and movement alone can help better restore and re-vitalise the body as facilitating Olluminating is essential in modern living and can be easily practiced before or even during an important meeting, or sales call, with colleagues or clients, and even during zoom conferences.
Other neurological applications and medicinal approaches can also support this approach even more, and apps can be essential.
Business & Industry Specific Auditing & Training
Today's hectic, stressful modern living can be so complex and thriving whilst trying to reduce our personal and global carbon footprint peacefully can be a challenge for everyone, especially for small and medium businesses and auditing is an essential part. Detecting problems earlier and awareness is often the golden key.
Please call to assess your environment, for options of a free assessment or to create a your unique safety auditing system for your business or company.

Facilitating Olluminating can be easily learnt and practised throughout the day whilst talking, at the computer, driving, working, and in most environments and is similar to mindfulness in motion.
Olluminating is the New Dynamic Neural Retraining Systematic Approaches Training and facilitating is now imperative for everyone including staff, managers and leaders to;

Revitalise & energise sore & tired eyes exposed to computer analytics and emissions
Create healthier environmental spatial awareness and enhance muscle tone
Learn vibrational breathing that can be practised almost anywhere
Enhance greater team coherence & productivity - seek out healthy apps & vibrational stimulation
Create understanding on the importance of frequencies on the body and brain.

Encourage more cohesive energising ways to deal with uncertainties individually and as a team
Increase personal confidence and sensory awareness to help counter-act anxiety and stressors
Lesson the need for staff to constantly seek help by practising simple techniques
Seek to reduce stress leave and Workers’ Comp. with simple practices and assessment tools
Help service difficult clients with new considerations

Assist stressed colleagues with creative complex (O) controls
Create checklists which encourage participation of challenging problem solving
Seek apps that support healthiest promotion of awareness that also streamline objectives
Collective learnings & internal LMS, HR & EAP create easy access for simple ongoing connectivity
For over 30 years we have assisted most sectors and industries, transport, mining, pharmaceuticals, insurance and businesses, in all sizes and ranges from disabilities services and job seekers, to management, CEO’s and board members.
We believe all industries and professions can benefit from practising, learning and experiencing Olluminating and mindfulness coaching and training such as the following;
Yoga & Pilates
Teachers & Trainers
First Responders & Nurses
Sports & Fitness Needs
Chiropractors, Physio & Rehab
Carers & Child Care
Mental Health Workers
IT & Gaming
Working From Home
As well as the above areas we can provide specific training and coaching to:
Explore and discover ‘vibrational resourcefulness’ within the body, individually and collectively to be able to express, deeper creativity, imagination and vitality in healthiest ways.
The environmental impact on our body is real and now with certain organisations having the ability to change weather patterns, we need to all be concerned and take action to understand the potential impact and harm on our mental health and wellbeing.
Copyright © 2021 Reduce Stress Now -All Rights Reserved. Please read disclaimer
Training, coaching and ongoing research is essential.
Olluminism is inspiring connectiveness and communication, olluminating is connecting, breathing, moving and being communicative.